Kas izraisa grumbas

Wrinkles causesĀdas grumbas ir daļa no novecošanas. Cilvēkam novecojot, uz sejas sāk parādīties smalkas līnijas, ap acīm, uz pieres, uz lūpu zonas un pārējā ķermeņa. Nevar izvairīties no ādas novecošanās un grumbu rašanās, un nav pieejamas metodes vai metodes, kas to novērstu. bet, ir padomi, triki un mājas aizsardzības līdzekļi, ar kuriem var aizkavēt to veidošanos vai uzlabot izskatu.

Ir daudzas lietas, kas izraisa grumbu veidošanos uz sejas. Patiesībā, grumbas uz sejas parādās, pirms tās parādās pārējā ķermeņa daļā. Tas ir tāpēc, ka seja vienmēr ir pastāvīgā kustībā un pirmās grumbas, kas parādās, rodas no mīmikas. Tātad, pirms cilvēks ķeras pie jebkāda veida krunkainas ādas ārstēšanas, viņiem ir jāsaprot grumbu cēloņi.

Ādas grumbas var izraisīt vairāki vides faktori un dzīvesveida izvēle. Šeit ir apskatīti daži no biežākajiem grumbu cēloņiem.

Kādi ir galvenie grumbu cēloņi

UV gaismas iedarbība

UV light, wrinklesIr daudz veidu, kā jūs varat saskarties ultravioletā gaisma. Tajos ietilpst sauļošanās kabīnes, sauļošanās, āra sporta veidi, utt. Kad jūsu āda ir pakļauta ultravioletā starojuma iedarbībai, ādā sadalās elastīna šķiedras un kolagēns. Elastīgās šķiedras atrodas zem ādas virsmas, un tās ir atbildīgas par ādas atbalstu. bet, kad šķiedras sadalās, liek ādai zaudēt elastību un kļūt vājākai. Grumbas sāk veidoties, kad āda kļūst mazāk elastīga.

Lai pasargātu sevi no UV gaismas radītajiem bojājumiem, you must wear protective clothing when you are outdoors. Wearing sunglasses, large brim hats and long sleeve clothes can delay skin aging and formation of skin wrinkles.

Early wrinkles mostly develop in people who work outdoors. Some of the jobs that put workers at a risk of skin wrinkles include beach lifeguards, gardening, golfers, farming and fishing.


SmokingSmoking is another common cause of wrinkled skin. When a person smokes, he/she looks older than their real age. This is because smoking restricts flow of blood to the skin which makes it difficult for the skin to get adequate levels of nutrients and oxygen which it needs to stay healthy.

Papildus, dūmos esošās ķīmiskās vielas bojā ādas dabiskās šķiedras un elastīnu, kas izraisa ādas grumbas un smalkas krunciņas ap muti.

Patērē pārāk daudz cukura

sugar effect on the skinViens no biežākajiem grumbu cēloņiem ir liela cukura ēšana. Cukurs kaitē ne tikai viduklim, bet patērējot pārāk daudz cukura, arī jūs izskatāties vecākam.

Cukurs ir atbildīgs par ādas novecošanos un ādas grumbām, jo ​​tad, kad notiek glikācija, Asinsritē veidojas kaitīgas molekulas, kas bojā ādas elastīnu un kolagēnu.

Iespējas grumbu ārstēšanai

Ir pieejamas dažādas iespējas ādas grumbu ārstēšanai. Tomēr ārstēšanas metode, kuru izmantojat, ir atkarīgs no tā, vai jums ir dziļas vagas vai virsmas līnijas. Basic wrinkle treatment methods such as home remedies and over the counter creams and lotions can help reduce fine lines. Tomēr, if you have deeper creases, you may have to opt for more powerful and aggressive techniques such as cosmetic fillers and plastic surgery.

To reduce fine lines, most people use topical creams that are rich in Vitamin A. These help reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin and also prevents roughness and pigmentations.

Active ingredients present in over the counter creams are much lower than those present in prescription creams. So if you have deep lines rather than fine lines, then you may want to seek medical advice first. Active ingredients that can help reduce skin wrinkles include copper peptides, antioksidanti, coenzyme Q10, kinetin, alpha hydroxyl acids and retinol.

A less common option for treating wrinkled skin is cosmetic surgery. Dermabrasion is a technique that involves peeling away of the skin’s upper layer with some kind of mechanical means. This surgical procedure is useful for removing tattoos, moles, scars, acne and skin wrinkles.

As with all surgical procedures and methods, dermabrasion also has side effects which usually go away in about 2 nedēļas. The common side effects include redness, swelling and scabbing. Results using this procedure are not immediate and it may take a couple of months for the patient to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. Patients may also be required to undergo repeated treatments to keep the fine lines and skin wrinkles from coming back.

treating wrinkles, beauty procedure

Another cosmetic procedure that can help delay skin aging is laser therapy. In this procedure, a light source, laser or radiofrequency is used to destroy the skin’s outer layer. The inner layers of the skin are heated up which allows new collagen fibers to develop within the layers.

Patients who undergo laser therapy start to see results in about a month. The wound takes its time to heal, but when its healed properly, the skin becomes tighter and smoother. More advanced technologies that are being used currently allow wounds to heal more quickly.

Botox is another method that can reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin temporarily. The effects may last between 2 un 6 mēnešus. Botox is given in injectable form and when it is injected, it tightens the muscles and gives a smoother appearance to the skin.

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