პუერარია მირიფიკა & პუერარინი ბუნებრივი ქალურობისთვის

Pueraria Mirifica & Puerarin ესტროგენი არის ქალის სასქესო ჰორმონი, რომელიც უზრუნველყოფს ქალებს’ ქალურობას. ის ბუნებრივად სინთეზირდება ადამიანის ორგანიზმში. ქალებში, მისი სინთეზი იწყება პუბერტატის დასაწყისში. Menopause occurs when the level of estrogen in the blood drops significantly.

When estrogen levels in the body are low or high, our body loses its balance. The effects of this are both biological and psychological and affect the mood. In cases of disturbed synthesis of estrogen, ladies can help balance their body by taking the so-called phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are active compounds derived from plants. Their intake regulates the levels of estrogen in the body. Normalizing hormones brings balance to the mood and functions of the body. They are able to relieve the symptoms of menopause, and also to improve the curves of the body, giving them more feminine appearance.

Pueraria Mirifica is one of the most popular herbs in terms of providing phytoestrogens for normalizing the hormonal balance in the female body. This is a Thai herb, also known as white Kwao Krua. It is widely used in traditional Thai medicine as a means to rejuvenate and tone the body and skin. The high estrogen activity of Pueraria Miriphic was established in 1952.

Საინტერესო ფაქტი:

The name ‘Mirificacomes from the Latin word of miracle. The herb bears this name precisely because of its miraculous effect on the female organism and its ability to enhance femininity.

The Pueraria Mirifica extract and, კერძოდ, the puerarin isoflavone, which is part of its active ingredients, have a high potential for enhancing femininity and strong estrogenic activity. The herb can be found in the form of capsules as a food supplement. But moreover, both are widely used in modern beauty products.


The herbal extract is not recommended for use by men. The male organism also synthesizes a small amount of estrogen. If its levels increase with the intake of additional phytoestrogens this can lead to decreased libido and accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

Pueraria Mirifica for a More Appetizing Bust

Pueraria Mirifica for Appetizing BustThe extract from the root Pueraria Mirifica can be found in the form of nutritional supplements, as we have already mentioned, but there are also creams that include the herb in their composition. This is due to the fact that the amount of phytoestrogens in the herb is much greater than in others, helping to acquire more feminine forms.

The high content of phytoestrogens in the herb extract has a number of positive effects on the bust:

  • Tightens the skin of the breasts;
  • Shapes the curves in a more appealing way with ease;
  • Strengthens the skin and reduces traces of stretch marks.

One of the most popular creams that currently include Pueraria Mirifica and care for the good shape of the bust is the gentle ZoomBust cream. Its composition is 100% ბუნებრივი, clinically tested, and shows effective results with regard to the enhancement of the bust volume. That is why it is one of the most preferred ways to care for and improve the look of the female bust.

Concentrated Puerarin for a Lavish Booty

Puerarin for a Lavish Booty

Having a well-formed booty is the dream many ladies. Pueraria Mirifica provides a solution for its modeling with ease. As has already been made clear, puerarin is an active element of the composition of Pueraria Mirifica. Among its main features are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It has a very small molecule that easily penetrates the skin in-depth when applied as a cream. It is a building block, a precursor for the balanced synthesis of estrogen in the body.

Nano BB Shaper is among the leading cosmetic products in the field of aesthetic modeling of the booty. This is a cream with a 20% concentration of puerarin. This is the root of the effectiveness of the cream. There is a much larger amount of fatty deposits in the booty, it is important that the molecule is extremely small so it can penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin and help improve metabolic processes. ამგვარად, the skin gradually becomes smoother, the imperfections are removed, and the silhouette of the booty becomes aesthetically pleasing.

პუერარია მირიფიკა & Puerarin – a Natural Source of Beauty

Pueraria Mirifica & Puerarin for Beauty

Pueraria Mirifica and puerarin are extremely powerful means of shaping the silhouette. They are proven to be effective when applied to the skin of the chest and buttocks in the form of a cream.

Discover your favorite silhouette-shaping solution containing these components and get the best out of your figure. Femininity is easily achievable and requires no effort. Especially when nature is on your side!

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ერთი პასუხი

  1. Jessica Simmons დეკემბერი 5, 2017