Every person needs to go through a full body cleansing procedure every now and again, mainly from liver detoxification. The fruit diet plan is extremely suitable for the successful completion of this because this type of nutrients is extremely rich in dietary fiber, natural sugars that feed the body and can be instantly transformed into pure energy, as well as it actively stimulates the human organism to get rid of toxins. Many tend to withhold excess water and liquids, which contributes to the accumulation of over 50% of the excess weight. Like most popular dietary plans, this one also has several distinct variations. Let’s see which the most popular ones are.
Fruits are an extremely useful and nutritious food product because they are saturated with minerals, dietary and rejuvenating fibers, ვიტამინები, healthy trace elements, and natural sugars. A diet that extensively features them can not only help us regain the youthfulness of our skin and face but also to lose weight, cleansing our body from excess calories and toxins.
The positive side of most varieties of the fruit diet plan is that there is no limit to the number of meals a day. The frequent intake of smaller portions is considered to produce more fruitful for the general health of the body results.
Since this diet does not usually include any proteins, it is highly recommended that people abide it for a shorter period of time. It has several different variations, in which dinner necessarily features a small amount of a particular kind of ‘lean’ ხორცი (without excess fat and unhealthy calories).
The effects of the fruit diet plan are quick and long-lasting. The most appropriate season for being on it is late spring or autumn in order to allow the body to go through a process of complete detoxification from harmful toxins before the summer and winter.
We are now going to find out more about its different variations.
Fruit Diet Plan for Beginners
If you are going to be on a fruit diet plan for the first time, it is best to start with the nutritional regimen for beginners that is easier to abide. Your body will not be subjected to any unnecessary stress, but you will still be able to cleanse your body from harmful microorganisms and lose weight at the same time.
Its duration is five days, unlike the other variations of the fruit diet plan which last at least seven, and may take up to ten or fourteen. All kinds of fruits are allowed, with a slight emphasis on bananas, ყურძენი, kiwi, oranges, ვაშლი, and plums.
The number of meals is up to the personal preference of the individual but one should do his best to consume at least 1 კგ. ან 1.5 კგ. of fresh fruit, a coffee without sweeteners, four herbal teas with honey and lemon, and at least 1.5 liters of water.
Fruit Diet Plan for Quick Slimming
This diet is kept for seven days, with the nutritional plan of the first three repeated from the fourth onwards, and the seventh is dedicated to taking a break and giving the body enough time to get back to its usual food regimen. Fruits should be preliminary washed with cold water and should be eaten along with their peel because it is rich in cellulose and healthy minerals.
The first day begins with a banana and 100 gr. of low-fat yogurt. There is a small snack between breakfast and lunch which consists of an apple. Lunch composed of a fruit salad mix, featuring strawberries, oranges, and kiwi, along with 200 gr. of the same yogurt. Dinner is one-half of a grapefruit, 150 gr. of roasted chicken breast, a raw vegetable salad, preferably leafy ones that are garnished with lemon juice.
Breakfast on the second day is a teacup of wild berries with a little bit of healthy oatmeal or cornflakes. You can eat another apple before noon, and lunch is a couple of pineapple slices. Dinner includes an orange, 150 gr. of turkey meat with its skin peeled off, a green leafy salad with lemon dressing, and one pear.
The third day starts with an orange and a glass of low-fat yogurt. The snack before noon is again an apple, and lunch is a blended mix featuring a banana, a cup of strawberries, and a freshly squeezed apple juice. Dinner is 200 gr. of roasted white fish meat, seasoned with lemon juice, a glass of boiled broccoli, and a teacup of wild berries along with a little bit of yogurt.
Extreme Fruit Diet Plan
This diet is extremely suitable for people who have a serious problem with the accumulation of excess weight and an urgent need for full body detoxification. It is best if the person has already tried being on some of the lighter variations of the fruit diet plan.
Individuals have to keep it from ten to fourteen days, with no specific daily food plan, as meat, ცილები, and dairy products are excluded from the list of nutrients that one can consume. The required intake of proteins, without which the body will cease to work properly, is provided by eating unprocessed seeds and nuts.
Users can consume up to 800 gr. of fruits, და 150 gr. რომ 200 gr. of unprocessed seeds every day. Apples, pineapples, გრეიფრუტები, ბანანი, ავოკადო, ყურძენი, ლეღვი, kiwis, პაპაიას, tangerines, watermelons, wild berries, olives, and tomatoes are some of the allowed fruit products.
Several vegetables can also be consumed freely. They are cucumbers, red and yellow chili peppers, and bell peppers. One can do the same with cashew nuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, and plant sprouts.